American Boeing 777
Passengers traveling in First and Business Class on American’s new 777-300ER are provided with Bose QuietComfort 15 Acoustic Noise Canceling headphones to use during the flight. George washington dollar coin.
Even though the QC15s get great reviews from even the toughest of critics, some people may prefer to use their own headphones. Maybe it’s because their own headphones are lighter, or heavier, smaller, or larger, fit in the ear, fit on the ear, or maybe it’s because they look like Princess Leia’s braids.
The Boeing 777-300ER is American Airlines’ largest wide-body plane and flagship aircraft, operating selected longhaul routes to and from the United States. The overall experience was great, with a pleasant cabin interior, excelling seat layout, decent onboard amenities & catering, and very comfortable flat beds. Boeing 777-200 airplanes are mainly used by American Airlines for international flights and during several internal flights. First cabin version of the Boeing 777-200 (777) V1 The cabin of this version of Boeing 777-200 is divided into three classes: First class, Business Class and Economy Class.
Whatever the reason, using your own headphones is not quite a simple as plugging into the 777-300ERs inflight entertainment system. The audio output on the entertainment system uses two 3.5-mm stereo jacks and one 2.5-mm power jack, so most people will need an adapter.

Though the sound quality is the same, American’s QuietComfort 15 headphones have been modified and differ slightly from the retail version and from most headphones.
The Differences
Power: a single AAA battery powers the retail version. American’s version gets its power using a 2.5-mm A/V jack that connects to a 5V power port that’s part of the inflight entertainment system (so no more receiving a headphone set that needs to have the battery replaced).
Audio Connection: The retail version uses a single 3.5-mm stereo headphone jack (just like the connection on a home stereo or an iPod). American’s version of the QC15 headphones connects to the entertainment system using two 3.5-mm stereo headphone jacks that split the left and right audio channels.
To use you’re own headphones you’ll need an adapter that converts a regular headphone stereo jack (1/8′ – 3.5-mm) to a dual prong (1/8′ – 3.5-mm) airline jack.
Bose includes an adapter with their noise canceling headphones, and so do most other manufacturers.
American Boeing 777 Premium Economy
If you don’t have one (or like me, you’ve lost it) you can buy a replacement for just a few dollars.
Bose sells one for $2.99 plus shipping. There’s nothing proprietary about the adapter, so if you’re looking to save a little money, you can buy a generic one for 99 cents (with free shipping).
Plug your headphones into the adapter, plug the adapter into audio out ports on the entertainment system, and since you’re headphones are powered by batteries, just disregard the power port and enjoy your flight.

If you don’t want to buy an adapter, but still want to use your own headphones, there is an alternative. The audio ports in the main cabin use just the single audio jack, no adapter is necessary. So another (more drastic) option is to just downgrade to coach;-)
“American Airlines” operates 47 aircrafts Boeing 777-200. The year of the first flight of Boeing 777-200 is 1994.
American Airlines 777 Interior

Long-range aircraft Boeing 777-200 is remarkable with the fact that it is the first airplane developed without paper drafts but only using three-dimension computerized imaging. Aircrafts of Boeing-777 family have been developed in the middle on 1990’s for serving extremely long-range flights.

Commercial use of first Boeing 777-200 airplane began in 1995. Except base version there are also versions 777-200ER (with increased flying range), 777-200LR (extra long flying range) and also cargo 777-200 Frighter (on the base of 777-200LR model). Aircraft of Boeing 777-200LR modification is able to make the most long continuous passenger flights in the world.
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